Dear Friends and Parishioners,
As we jump from this Fourth Sunday of Advent right into Christmas celebrations, may I take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a very blessed and merry Christmas!
The celebration of our Lord’s holy birth reminds us of a promise fulfilled and a promise filled with hope. As God’s promise was fulfilled with the birth of a savior, we always celebrate Christmas with the hope of His glorious return. May the joy of this season rekindle and reinvigorate our Christian hope as we strive for peace in our own hearts, our relationships, and in our world. Let the Word Incarnate, Jesus Christ, reign in each of us as we proclaim to the world that He is in our midst every single day.
We certainly have had a full year of activity and I find myself very grateful for the many fruits that are so evident and for our many parishioners who continue to offer their time and talent. Also, many thanks to those who participated in the various outreach activities and as we provide for those in need. We are known to be a generous community – I am reminded of this often through these outward signs of kindness and charity.
Wherever you find yourselves at Christmas, may you and your family be filled with every grace and blessing.
Merry Christmas,
Fr. Gurnick