Please join us to prepare the church for Holy Week and the Triduum! The schedule is as follows:
Palm Sunday prep will be done Friday, March 22 at 4PM, and mostly involves ironing altar linens.
Holy Thursday will be after the noon Mass on Tuesday, March 26. In addition to a change of linens, the altar of repose is prepared, along with items for the foot washing ritual.
St Malachi is hosting the Easter Vigil this year for both St Patrick and St Malachi parishes. There will be LOTS of set up to do, including linens, flowers, baptismal font, banners and candles.
We will do this after the 3PM Good Friday service, followed by a fish fry at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Tremont for those interested. Any questions, please contact Carol at 216-225-7130. Thank you in advance for your help!