With the resuming of public worship as our priority, we need to establish special instructions for Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound. Until we have an opportunity to properly instruct each Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, we are unable to provide the Eucharist. A major concern is the receiving of the Blessed Sacrament, the vessel (ordinarily a pyx), and safe distribution to the recipient. For these reasons, please do not request to bring Holy Communion home to a loved one at this time. We plan to have clarification from the Diocese and hope to be able to offer proper instruction to those entrusted with this sacred ministry to the homebound. The health of everyone is our concern. In the meanwhile, please encourage our sisters and brothers who are unable to join us to continue making a Spiritual Communion. If an urgent situation arises, requiring Anointing of the Sick or Viaticum please contact Fr. Gurnick at (216) 631-6872.
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