Good times ahead!
Mark your calendars for scheduled fall gatherings!
September 12 St. Malachi Parish Picnic
September 18 St. Malachi Church Run
October 9 St. Malachi Volunteer Luncheon
Additional information will be available closer to the events. Mark your calendars; be safe; be well and look forward to September 2021!
Welcoming Our New Neighbors
This summer 17 women will move into the convent as part of the Stella Maris Women’s Supportive Housing Program. After Mass on June 6th, Christine Gibbons, Stella Maris Clinical Director, will share the goals of this program. We will be collecting items to create welcome baskets for the residents until June 20th. Please consider donating: shampoo, tooth brushes, tooth paste, soap, combs, shower shoes, feminine hygiene products or small items for the kitchen such as pots and pans, dish towels, hot pads, storage containers. There will be a box to collect items in the front of the church.
Thank You Tom Petersen for Your Service to the Finance Council
On behalf of the Finance Council, we would like to recognize Tom Petersen for his invaluable service to the Council over the past nine years. During his time on the Council, Tom contributed in a multitude of ways, including, but certainly not limited to, his substantial assistance to the parish staff with the annual budgeting and financial reporting. We will miss Tom’s wisdom, expertise and eye for detail and we thank him for his faithful stewardship.
Finance Council Membership
The Finance Council is interested in meeting anyone who has a background in finance, accounting, banking or real estate (or similar fields) and wishes to explore other ways to become more involved with the parish. Please contact Mike Canfield at 585-469-0124 or if you are interested in learning more about the Finance Council.
Prayer Partners Needed
Beginning June 7th, girls entering grades 6-10 will be engaged in a 6-week Walking with Purpose Bible Study. They will learn that they are unconditionally loved as God’s beloved daughters, that truth is found in Scripture, and how to pray in their own words. The girls need prayers for these six weeks. If you can adopt a girl to pray for, please contact Stephanie Pritts at
God Bless our Confirmands!
Let us pray with joy for the twelve students confirmed by Bishop Roger on Tuesday evening at St Wendelin. Among them were Caroline Favetti from St Malachi and Kayleigh Pace from both St Malachi and St Wendelin. May they all be filled with the Holy Spirit!
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