River’s Edge, located at 3430 Rocky River Dr., Cleveland is seeking volunteers to join our team. We are looking for those that are excited about the work we do and will be available to assist in making sure our programs run smoothly. If you are interested please email info@riversedgecleveland.com.
European Festival 9.7.2019 1100am
St. Mary Magdalene Byzantine Catholic Church invites you to “… experience cultures from across Europe” at the 10th Annual European Festival being held Saturday, September 7, 2019 from 11 AM – 11PM at 5390 W. 220th St., Fairview Park, Ohio. The festival brings together the music, ethnic traditions and delicious cuisine from countries across Europe. Activities appeal to visitors of all ages, faiths and backgrounds. Visitors to the annual event will enjoy live music and dancing throughout the day by a wide variety of ethnic musicians and dance troupes from Northeast Ohio. “The Shotskis,” a Cleveland-area polka band will headline the day’s entertainment with a polka party beginning at 7:00PM until 10:30PM. Other entertainment will take place throughout the day. For more information go to the website: https://www.stmarymagdalenebyzantine.org/european-fest
Please join The Institute of Catholic Studies and John Carroll – Sacred Heart University Partnership Committee on September 10, 2019 at 5PM at John Carroll University, Donahue Auditorium in Dolan Science Center for “Healing the Human Family” a talk given by Archbishop John Baptist Odama, Arch-bishop of Gula, Uganda. Archbishop Odama is a leading peacemaker in Uganda. Please call 216-397-4558 with any questions.
SPEAKER SERIES Blessed Trinity Parish 9.17 – 11.5.2019
Please join us for a Speaker Series at Blessed Trinity Parish, 14040 Puritas Ave. Cleveland. The topic is: Our Church Beyond Crisis: Preparing for Change. The Speakers are: Rev. Doug Koesel; Sr. Christine Schenk, CSJ; Rev. Joe Fortuna; Rev. Don Cozzens; Dr. Joan Nuth. The dates for the Speakers Series are Tuesday evenings Sept. 17th, October 1st, 15th and 29th, and Nov. 5th from 7PM to 8:30PM. All are welcome. For more information contact Blessed Trinity’s Parish Office at 216-671-5890; Website: www.blessedtrinitycleveland.org
Retreat for LGBTQ Christians 10.4.2019
LGBTQ Christians and/or their family and friends are welcome to attend the 20th annual Emmaus retreat. Celebrate and share your journey with LGBTQ men and women, supportive and knowledgeable religious and parents of gay children in a fun, reflective and prayerful atmosphere. The retreat begins Friday, October 4, 2019 at 7PM and ends Saturday, Oct. 5, at 8:30PM. The retreat will be held at the Jesuit Retreat Center located in Parma, Ohio. The cost of $95 includes a private single room and four meals. The retreat will be facilitated by Marian Durkin C.S.A. and a planning team. Fr. Steve Krupa S.J. is our guest speaker. Register on the JRC website at www.jesuitretreatcenter.org. For more information, please contact JRC at (440) 884-9300 or Sister Marian Durkin at (330)659-5112 or email her at smd@srsofcharity.org.
L’Arche Cleveland Fall Fundraiser 10.11.2019 6:00pm
It’s time for our annual Fall Fundraiser at L’Arche Cleveland. Join us on Friday, Oct. 11, at the Music Box Supper Club, 1148 Main Ave., Cleveland on their Motown & More: Divas Edition night. Doors open at 6PM. Concert starts at 8PM. Parking will be available for $6.00, $8.00 or $10.00 depending on location. L’Arche Cleveland will get 100% of tickets purchased, but only if they are purchased from our personal web page! To buy tickets, please click the button labeled Ticket Website.
We will hold a silent auction and raffle prior to the concert, and dinner and drinks will be available for purchase (L’Arche will receive a portion of food and drink purchases.) If you plan on dining before or during the concert, you will need to make a dining reservation so the kitchen can estimate quantities needed. Seats will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Please note that tickets MUST be purchased from our personal webpage in order for us to receive funds. The link needed to purchase tickets is: bit.ly/LarcheCle. We are still in need of baskets and basket sponsors for our silent auction. If you would like to help, please contact Alex at 216-721-2614 or fundraising@larchecleveland.org.
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