This workshop will be presented in three phases. It is recommended for participants to attend all three of the workshops if possible. There is no fee, registration is required through
All Workshops will be held in the Aula at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe, Ohio.
Catholic Social Teaching 101: “ An introductory guide to the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching“, January 7, 2023 (9:00am-Noon)
Catholic Social Teaching is often referred to as “The Church’s Best Kept Secret.” This session will have video presentations and class discussion on themes including The Dignity of the Person; Preferential Option for the Poor; Solidarity and Subsidiarity.The presenter is Deacon Paul Kipfstuhl, the Director of the Diocesan Social Action office for Wayne, Ashland, Medina and Southwest Cuyahoga County. Paul is a Permanent Deacon assigned to St. Francis Xavier Parish in Medina.
Catholic Social Teaching 102: “Pro-life in a Post-Roe World” February 11, 2023 (9:00am-Noon)
Building off the introductory teachings, this session will further unpack the Consistent Ethic of Life as we explore how the Church’s teachings impact a post-Roe World and what it means to be pro-life today. We will see how documents like Humanae Vitae, Evangelium Vitae, Evangelii Gaudium and Dignitas Personae help to enlighten us all on the culture of life and to pave the way for a culture of accompaniment.The presenter will be Mary von Carlowitz, the Director of the Office for Human Life. Currently in the DMin program at St. Mary’s, where she also holds her MA. Mary is a certified Lay Ecclesial Minister and has countless years in pastoral and parish ministry.
Catholic Social Teaching 103: “Catholic Social Teaching in Action” March 11, 2023(9:00am-Noon)
Participants will then be offered a variety of “real world” scenarios and analyze the situation and their possible response options, based on CST principles. The presenter is Shawn Witmer, the Director of the Diocesan Social Action office for Lorain County. Shawn brings more than 35 years of pastoral experience in the Diocese of Cleveland. For the past ten years, he has served as an Instructor for an online CST
“capstone” course required of all graduates in all majors at Notre Dame College. Shawn is a certified Lay Ecclesial Minister.
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