On Monday, September 5th at 9:00AM, St. Malachi will host a special Labor Day liturgy honoring the dignity of labor and of the laborer. Written in 1891, Pope Leo XIII’s prophetic encyclical Rerum novarum (Of New Things) spoke powerfully of the Church’s concern for workers’ rights to a just wage, proper working hours, the right to form unions, a safe work environment and for an end to child labor. In the beginning, one aspect of our human dignity was found in the call to tend and till the Garden; St. Joseph taught Jesus the dignity of labor in the carpenter’s trade. Let us gather on Labor Day in prayer, remembering that when the nobility of work is damaged, so to is the human dignity of each person created in the image of God. During the mass we will also remember Thomas McIntyre, a treasurer for the Plumbers Union who died a number of years ago while on a mission of mercy to a fellow plumber. Come and pray with us this Labor Day
Labor Day Liturgy, 09/05/2022 9:00 AM
Starts: 2022-09-05 • 0:00
Ends: 2022-09-05 • 0:00
Ends: 2022-09-05 • 0:00
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