November 19, 2023 meeting held at 6:30 PM in the St. Malachi Meeting Room
Attending: Fr. Michael Gurnick, Judy Slivka, Cathy Graham, Jan Durkalski, Margaret Armstead, Claudia Cabrera, Matt Hils, Jackie Krejcik, Sharon Lowe-Chapman, Mike Pellegrino, Peter Toomey, Jeff Walters Absent: Hollis Johnson Guests: Christy Bartley
Opening Prayer: Margaret Armstead
Education & Enrichment:
Report from ST. Patrick/St. Malachi Integrated Steering Committee, Jan Durkalski
Saturday, Nov. 4
Introductory meeting at St. Patrick to discuss purpose and procedures.
Rosie Dolan-Baker, our facilitator and consultant, shared plan that in the future, 5-6 focus teams will be formed with representation from both parishes.
Tuesday, Nov. 8, Zoom
Discussed clarity and focus on our task to bring the two parishes together to create and continue a strong presence in our neighborhood and continue our ministries.
Continued with our consultant to define vision and goals, roles for committee members.
Saturday, Nov. 18
Steering Committee members attended tours of the buildings and facilities at the site of both parishes.
Rectory Transaction Committee- Judy Slivka, Fr. Gurnick
Committee will take tour of the rectory. A Stella Maris proposal to purchase is expected.
Chats with Council- Cathy Graham
Chats scheduled monthly on third weekend, published in bulletin and announced at Mass. Council members will be available following Mass at Sunday coffee hour and in the church after Mass on Saturday. Questions and concerns will be shared with Executive Committee of Parish Council, and then either discussed at Parish Council meeting or directed to Fr. Gurnick, St. Malachi staff or ministry/group.
Ministerial Leadership Mtg.- Judy Slivka
Meeting proposed for Feb., 24, 2024. Planning group will meet the first week of December.
Diocesan Policy on Human Sexuality and Gender- Judy Slivka, Jackie Krejcik
Notes from the Parish Conversations held on Oct. 22, 2023 were shared with council. Council affirmed the St. Malachi Mission Statement and will continue to discuss how to be more welcoming to the LGBTQ+ community. Council will plan with parish members and then schedule an open meeting to explore how St. Malachi can exemplify the teachings of Jesus and be more pastoral in our relationships with our members.
Administrator’s Report from Fr. Gurnick:
Fr. Gurnick shared information regarding his trip to Fatima and the Holy Land. Fr. Gurnick proposed scheduling an annual mass for Anointing of the Sick.
Closing Prayer: Margaret Armstead Next Council Meeting: January 2, 2024
Respectfully submitted, Jan Durkalski