St Malachi Parish Pastoral Council
Minutes from the September 7, 2021 meeting at 6:30 pm in the Hall
In Attendance: Fr. Michael Gurnick; Judy Stowe; Cathy Graham; Melissa Smith-Morales; Steph Riccobene; Claudia Cabrera; Margaret Armstead; Janet Benoit; Absent: Patrick Cleary-Burns; Judy Slivka; Heather Gerheim; Shawn Blankenship; Tony Cresci; Guests: Deacon Leo Bistak; Stephanie Pritts; Max Giorgi, Seminarian/Intern; Opening Prayer: Margaret Armsted
Education & Enrichment:
- Backdoor Ministry Update presented by Fr. Gurnick for Racquel Jones. Number of volunteers is down; still serving 80-120 meals per day at the north Hall door. As the weather worsens, plan to serve brief meals to small groups of guests inside.
- Steph Riccobene offered suggestions tried by the Catholic Worker meal program, plus strategies for coordinating with the shower program & for providing bikes/tents/blankets for the homeless
- Pat Dowd & Robert Blackburn working on restarting the Monday Night Meal
- Efforts are being made to reconnect with the area’s monthly “Shared Ministry Meeting”
- Malachi Run—volunteers still needed: Melissa Smith-Morales: will do packet pick-up @ McCarthy’s on 9/17 from 3:45-7p; Deacon Leo: will do packet pick-up at Dick’s in Strongsville on 9/16 from 3:45-5:15p; Cathy Graham: will do packet pick up at Dick’s on 9/16 from 5:15-7p
Approval of the Minutes: The minutes from August 3, 2021 were approved as written.
- COVID & the Masses update presented by Fr. Gurnick for Charlene McElwee
- Discussion of frustration with the inconsistent policies for mask wearing
- Diocese: currently requesting masking of Eucharistic Ministers and participants in ministry meetings.
- Singing is still limited to the loft, although more mass attendees are singing along
- We will always have the reserved area with social distancing, etc.
- Worship aids (including for hearing-impaired) will continue
- Ministry Retreat: “Rekindling the Embers”—St. Malachi Day of Prayer on Saturday, October 30, 2021; Begin 10:30a in the church; 12:30p in the Hall at 12:30a (lunch plans pending) with Mass at 4p; Some questioned how specifics for ministry leaders will be addressed
- Malachi House: update by Margaret Armsted (bulletins requested)
Administrator’s Report from Fr. Gurnick:
- BoxCast (a growing event technology business) has recently moved into a building on Superior Viaduct. Leasing them 6 parking spots is currently being negotiated. Want to support St. Malachi’s & invest in the neighborhood
- Stella Maris has offered to buy the rectory! Discussion ensued: excellent longtime history; is historical property $ available; need to be stewards to ensure our future; need for due diligence; need for “long-term vision;” repair/rebuild the school? Fr. Gurnick to pursue: open to conversation on sale not lease; parish vision—consultant (?); discuss with finance council/facilities; explore time line for the transaction
New Business:
- Janet Benoit: Solicit volunteers for opening/closing prayer; summary for next month at end of each meeting
- We still need to consider hiring a Communications Coordinator
Summary of Meeting: Melissa Smith-Morales; Closing Prayer: Claudia Cabrera;
Next Meeting: October 5, 2021 at 6:30p in the Hall
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Stowe, Secretary