Attendance: Fr. Gurnick, Judy Slivka, Cathy Graham, Jan Durkalski, Margaret Armstead, Sharon Lowe-Chapman, Mike Pellegrino, Peter Toomey, Jeff Walters, Jeanette Shemo
*Jan Durkalski- Report on the work of the Collaborative Steering Committee
Work Groups began individual meetings in March. Work groups consist of parishioners from both parishes, a Staff member and a Collaborative Steering Committee member. Each Work Groups is following a uniform method to research and determine the best possible recommendations to proceed with transitioning to an Oratory Church affiliated with St. Patrick Parish. The Work Groups will work together at times when an overlap of purpose will occur. All Work Group members will meet on Saturday, May 11 to update the Collaborative Steering Committee and discuss the status of their proposed plans. There will be Listening Sessions scheduled at the beginning of June for all parishioners and interested parties to hear the Work Group reports and solicit input and feedback on the proposals.
*Judy Slivka- Technology/Communication
Judy discussed the need for accessing and streamlining the process for exchanging documents among the Parish Council members. A few solutions were presented and will be researched.
*Cathy Graham- Nominating Committee for openings on Parish Pastoral Council
Cathy reported we have three candidates running for the Parish Pastoral Council and we need more. The nominating process is continuing. Nominees are still needed, and contact information for the committee is in the bulletin. The Nominees will be introduced at the Annual Meeting. There are 5-6 open seats on the Council this year.
*Judy Slivka- Annual St. Malachi Parish Meeting
The Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday April 14, 2024 in the church following 10:00 AM Mass. The meeting will be recorded and live streamed on the Parish YouTube channel. The Annual Meeting is an opportunity to inform and report to our parishioners regarding our finances, ministries, properties and progress towards the collaboration with St. Patrick Parish. Hospitality committee is serving a delicious brunch in the Hall immediately following the meeting.
*Father Gurnick- Fr. Tony Schuerger Masses and celebrations
Fr. Tony will be at St. Malachi on April 20 and 21 to preside at two Masses prior to assuming his new assignment from the Diocese. The Masses are Saturday, April 20 at 4:00 PM and Sunday, April 21 at 10:00 AM. Both Masses will be followed by a special celebration with guests, music, food and fellowship provided by the Hospitality committee in the Hall.
*Sharon Lowe Chapman- Malachi Run Update
Registration was up 36% and the two races had 3,300 participants. The sponsorship increased by 20% this year. The 8:00 AM Mass was well attended, runners were served delicious post race snacks and awards were presented. The Malachi Run is a huge event every spring that brings attention to St. Malachi Church and raises an abundance of funds for our ministries on the Near West Side.
*Father Gurnick- Administrator’s Report
– Rectory process is still ongoing and will be finalized soon. More information will be available at the Annual Meeting on April 14.
– All Parish buildings including the Malachi Center are being evaluated for usage, viability and need as we move forward with our plan to form a collaboration with St. Patrick Church.
NEXT PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING: Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 6:30 PM in St. Malachi Meeting Room
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Durkalski
St. Malachi Parish Pastoral Council Secretary