February 6, 2024, 6:30-8:30 PM, Parish Meeting Room
Attendance: Fr. Gurnick, Judy Slivka, Cathy Graham, Jan Durkalski, Margaret Armstead, Matt Hils, Jackie Krejcik, Sharon Lowe-Chapman, Mike Pellegrino, Peter Toomey, Jeff Walters, Charlene McElwee
Opening Prayer: Jackie Krejcik
*Jan Durkalski- Report from the work of the Collaborative Steering Committee
-Meeting, 1/3/24- Guest Cathy Graham, shared and reviewed information collected during Strategic Planning regarding oratory churches. Guest Fr. Yanus shared information regarding the process of unification of St. Elizabeth of Hungary and St. Emeric Parishes. Fr. Yanus provided information on the definition of oratory and the inclusion of specific requests to the Bishop for inclusion in the decree.
-Meeting, 1/4/24- Zoom interview with administrative director of a Chicago mission church, and the decree and transition that has been successfully evolving over the last 3 years.
-Meeting, 1/17/24- In depth discussion of the book, Divine Renovation by Fr. James Mallon. The book byline is, Bringing your parish from maintenance to mission. We discussed strengths, talents, treasures and positive aspects of both parishes.
-Retreat, 1/27-1/28- Prayerful and spiritual gathering of the CSC with Fr. Gurnick and facilitator Rosie Dolan Baker. We began the process of collaboratively writing a Purpose, Vision and Mission for the unified St. Malachi and St. Patrick parishes. The CSC set up the design and plan for the Collaborative Work Groups which will assist in the decisions to be made prior to crafting the plan for unification. This work will be shared in more detail at the Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at St. Malachi. Mass begins at 5:30 PM in the church, followed by a light supper in the Hall. The Town Hall Meeting will begin at 7:00 PM when the CSC will share additional information and plans.
*Jackie Krejcik- Lenten Series- A Synodal Process for Eucharistic Renewal
This will be held on four Sundays during Lent after 10:00 AM Mass in the Hall. Attendance at all four sessions is not necessary. Flyers with additional details are in our bulletin. This was planned and scheduled following analysis of a survey of parishioners. We will meet to reflect, explore, learn, renew and pray.
*Sharon Lowe Chapman- Malachi Run Update
Registration is up 35% and the two races could have 3,000 participants. VOLUNTEERS are still needed for many positions, before the race and day of the race. Details are in the bulletin. There will be a CANNED GOODS DRIVE in association with the Race. There is 8:00 AM Mass before the race.
*Judy Slivka- Ministerial Leadership Meeting
Saturday, February 24 in the Hall from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The leaders and volunteers of the Ministries of St. Malachi will have a prayer service and have an opportunity to work and plan together for the success of our ministries.
*Judy Slivka- Annual St. Malachi Parish Meeting
The Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday April 14, 2024 following 10:00 AM Mass. Council members were asked to serve on the planning committee.
*Cathy Graham- Nominating Committee for Openings on Parish Pastoral Council
Cathy requested volunteers from the Council to serve as additional representatives for the Nominating Committee to reach out to parishioners to consider running for positions on Parish Pastoral Council. The nominating process continues through the end of March. There are 5-6 open seats on the Council this year.
*Margaret Armstead- Black Catholic Women
Margaret shared information on this organization led by Sister Jane Nesmith, SBS. Sister Jane is also the director of the African American Ministry for the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. Margaret is an ambassador for this organization and attends Masses at churches throughout Cleveland to distribute information and flyers.
*Father Gurnick- Administrator’s Report
– Rectory process is still ongoing and will be determined in the next few months.
– An engineering study and assessment of St. Malachi Church and surrounding property will be scheduled prior to the beginning of construction of the planned building on the south side of the church on the County Engineers lot. This information will be useful as a benchmark for the condition of our facility and property in the event that any untoward damages occur.
– Fr. Gurnick shared information on the Diocesan wide initiative “Keeping the Faith”. The purpose of the strategic plan is to strengthen the system of elementary Catholic education to keep irresistibly Catholic, academically excellent, operationally sound and geographically accessible schools where demand exists. Although we do no longer operate a school, St. Malachi is included in this initiative with 7-8 other parishes in the city, mostly on the near West Side. There is more information on this Diocesan initiative on the Diocese of Cleveland website.
-Fr. Gurnick shared that Eucharistic Ministers may be needed to assist in the near future at Metro Health and Fairview Hospitals.
Closing Prayer: Peter Toomey
NEXT PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING: Tuesday, March 6, 2024, 6:30 PM in St. Malachi Parish Meeting Room
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Durkalski, St. Malachi Parish Pastoral Council Secretary