Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Maybe you’re throwing a Zoom dinner for Mom or special prayers for her are offered during your Sunday prayer ritual. Perhaps a drive-by greeting is planned or your wishes for her will be accompanied by an e-card . This day may present the opportunity to visit the cemetery and place some flowers upon her grave. However you are observing Mothers’ Day, we lift up all of our sisters and prayerfully extend our best wishes!
We are also very happy to announce that our church building will be open on Mother’s Day for visitation and quiet prayer from 10:00AM until 12Noon. Deacon Leo and I would be honored to extend a blessing for our mothers who come to visit or to simply pray with folks. Light a candle for Mom, living or deceased, while you are visiting. We would all love to see you!
As we make every effort to provide a safe and pleasant experience for everyone, we ask that folks observe social distancing on the parish campus and wear facial masks, especially if entering the inside of the church. Of course, feel free to visit outside with others anywhere on our parish grounds.
Whether you are able to stop in for a visit or are joining us from your home, let us join together in a blessing for all mothers on this special day:
Loving God, As a mother gives life and nourishment to her children, so you watch over your Church.
Bless these women, our sisters, that they may be strengthened as Christian mothers.
Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayerfully yours through the intercession of Mary Our Mother,
Fr. Gurnick