Fr. Michael Gurnick, Administrator, St. Malachi Parish
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
For the last two weeks, our parish bulletin printed two messages regarding the special August Election on Issue 1. The source of these messages may be found on the diocesan website’s Office for Human Life.
While the Ohio Catholic Conference has no position on Issue I since the issue (in and of itself) has no moral content, it is important for citizens to be aware of Issue 1 and why it has important implications regarding November’s Amendment to the State Constitution.
A few parishioners contacted us with a concern that there are conflicting messages, namely, between what the Ohio Conference of Bishops have stated and the bulletin content. In response to these requests for further clarity, I invite parishioners to go to the diocesan website ( and access the Office for Human Life page:
There is helpful information – as well as additional links – to assist voters in understanding the positions of the Ohio Catholic Conference and the Diocese of Cleveland.
Together may we continue to defend the dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death.
In Christ Our Life,
Fr. Gurnick