As cooler weather and the Christmas holidays approach, it is helpful to consider the following guidelines when you or someone you know are considering donating to the St. Malachi Clothing Ministry:
—The Clothing Ministry receives a great many donations between Thanksgiving and New Year. It would be most helpful to donate winter clothing after this holiday period if at all possible.
—A limit of 6 bags or boxes of donations per donation source, unless pre-arranged with a member of the Malachi Center, St. Malachi Church staff or clothing ministry volunteers (Pat Daw 216-338-5260 or Mary Carol or John Lucic 216-221-5017).
—A request that 75% of donations be FOR MEN, including seasonal, clean, lightly worn or new casual clothing, such as pants, jeans, t-shirts, button shirts, sweatshirts, socks, shoes and seasonal hoodies, coats, gloves and hats. Ideally, 25% or less of donations should be for woman and children.
—Please bring donations to the church basement Monday-Friday between 8:30AM to 2PM, or before or after the weekend masses. The church basement door is on the north side of the church.