It’s a beautiful, sunny fall day in #Cleveland, but let us not forget how quickly winter will be upon us. And this means greater hardships for the homeless people and others we serve at St. Malachi Parish, so WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Our Back Door Ministry serves food to people every day – and not only are we seeing an increase in the number of people requesting help, but the Back Door Ministry pantry has been greatly diminished as an unplanned result of pausing Monday Night Meal earlier this year. Therefore, we need you to help spread the word by sharing this post or donating food items. Together, we can fill that pantry!
Here are the items we need the most:
– Canned vegetables ( food service size helps but anything is appreciated) Corn, Beans, Carrots, etc.
– Canned fruits, big cans or single servings
– Soup, chick noodle, vegetable, beef
– Lunch snacks: Individually wrapped or bagged, chips, pretzels, cookies, crackers, apple sauce, etc.
– Canned Chicken
– Cheese slices for sandwiches
– Frozen ground beef
– Plastic sandwich bags or ziplocks
– Individual soup bowls with lids
If you are able to donate, please call the Parish so we can coordinate a delivery time/location. We are currently unable to take walk-up donations during this time.