St Malachi Parish Pastoral Council
Minutes from the January 4, 2022 meeting via Zoom
In Attendance: Fr. Michael Gurnick; Brother Philip Bernier; Deacon Leo Bistak: Patrick Cleary-Burns; Judy Slivka; Judy Stowe; Cathy Graham; Steph Riccobene; Claudia Cabrera; Margaret Armstead; Tony Cresci
Absent: Janet Benoit; Shawn Blankenship; Heather Gerheim; Melissa Smith-Morales
Guests: Shauna Sanders; Jeanette Shemo; Mike Canfield; Max Giorgi
Opening Prayer: Deacon Leo Bistak
Education & Enrichment: Shauna Saunders, Executive Director, reviewed the history and shared details about the awesome services/activities provided by Malachi Center
Approval of the Minutes: The minutes from the November 2, 2021 meeting were amended and approved; volunteer tasks were filled for the next meeting.
- The current Nominating Committee is searching for diverse candidates
- The Annual Meeting, on 5/15/22, following the 10 AM mass, will included a financial council report, discussion of neighborhood plans, a tour of the library and an introduction to Brother Phil.
- The Ministerial Leadership Day, on March 26 from 1-3:30p, will focus on networking
- Pat Dowd is stepping down from his Monday Night Meal leadership role. Hot meals in clam shells from the Hall window, will continue to be provided under Raquel’s direction until a new process is developed.
- Patrick is recruiting a committee to facilitate the Valley Ford Truck Corporate Challenge with attention paid to those already contributing to parish causes.
Action: Council voted to affirm Social Action’s choice of Catholic Refugee Services as our 2022 Lenten Collection Recipient.
- Steph Riccobene shared information about an upcoming training program/one-day retreat on Faith and Racial Healing (scholarships may be available)
- Margaret Armsted reported that people are willing to donate to remodeling the gym in honor of Jimmy Bivins but need to know where it fits in our strategic planning .
Administrator’s Report from Fr. Gurnick:
- Library: Special thank-you’s were given to Jeannette, Steve & Willie for their help in remodeling the school library which is ready to open. This “shared home space” seats 24 and will be available by reservation through Jeannette; recycling will be observed.
- “Listening Sessions” will be scheduled during February in the church after masses
- Website: a meeting to discuss updating and improved communications will be scheduled
- Strategic planning: information on viable options will soon be available
Announcements: The next council meeting: 2/1/22
Summary of Meeting: Steph Riccobene
Closing Prayer: Patrick Cleary-Burns
Respectfully submitted, Judy Stowe, Secretary