JUNE 4, 2024, 6:30-8:30 PM, PARISH MEETING ROOM
Opening prayer- Jan Durkalski
Judy Slivka- Welcomed and introduced the newly elected members of St. Malachi Pastoral Parish Council who will serve starting in July: Kathy Burke, Sister Lizette Hoevel, Terry Jungquist, and Ed Shemo. Jan Durkalski, Judy Slivka- Explained plans for upcoming Collaborative Steering Committee Town Hall presentations on June 12 and 19. Chair person Judy Slivka strongly urged all Council members to attend both sessions. On Wednesday, June 12, attendees will receive a packet with an information sheet from each Work Group. The documents will cover the research and discernment of each Work Group to determine their recommendations for moving forward. In the presentation portion, each Work Group will provide an 8- 10 minute explanation with slides of their recommendations for consideration for Fr. Gurnick. The June 12 presentation will be video recorded and posted on both Parish websites. Parishioners who cannot attend the June 12 presentation are encouraged to watch the recording prior to attending the next session on June 19. On Wednesday, June 19, the Town Hall format will allow parishioners to ask questions and provide their thoughts and opinions regarding the recommendations. The concerns and comments will be considered by the Work Groups as they prepare for June 29 when they present their final recommendations to the Fr. Gurnick, the CSC, and all work group members. Fr. Gurnick- Provided further information and updates on the CSC process and timeline. CSC Work Groups will have a meeting on Saturday, June 29 to share their updated recommendations with Fr. Gurnick after which the Work Groups will disband. Fr. Gurnick will continue to study the recommendations and consult with both Parish Councils, staff, groups and individuals in late July, into August. There will be an additional Town Hall meeting for all parishioners in September.
Cathy Graham- Reviewed ‘Chats with Council’ held following Mass on Sunday, May 12, 2024 to listen to
concerns from parishioners regarding concerns and consensus about Oratory status. Council members
shared the feedback and concerns that they heard from parishioners. Cathy shared questions that parishioners posted in surveys. Council members will continue to host ‘Chats with Council’ each month and be available to parishioners to listen to questions and concerns.
Judy Slivka- Led a discussion regarding a carryover of current Parish Council leadership and members
through August 2024. This action will provide continuity following the summer break as St. Malachi may
have adjustments to make in the fall. New members will join the Council at the August meeting when we
will use the process of prayerful discernment to select new leadership.
Margaret Armstead- Songs for the Soul Music event is scheduled for June 22, 2024 starting at 12:00 PM> Thee band has been scheduled, equipment is rented, advertising and flyers are being distributed. Volunteers are still needed Saturday morning and throughout the day. Her contact information is in the bulletin.
– Margaret also shared her experience of her week long retreat in Tanzania! She had the privilege of traveling for 10 days with Sister Jane Nesmith, SBS, and director of African American Ministry for the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. Margaret met with Bishop Lazarus Msimbe of Tanzania, visited five seminaries, several parishes and schools, an orphanage, Mikumi National Park, and other points of interest. Margaret has so many wonderful stories to share so PLEASE COME TO COFFEE HOUR and CHAT WITH COUNCIL on SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2024 following 10:00 AM Mass.
Fr. Gurnick- Administrator’s Report
-Updated PC on rectory and property, sale is moving through the legal process. Office space construction on the second floor of the school is proceeding.
-Malachi Center has a new director, Nate Cross. The Malachi Center board is assessing their present and
looking at their mission in the future. The roof repairs are continuing. The Cleveland Diocese is creating the lease agreement stating that St. Malachi will officially be the landlord of the Malachi Center building.
-Bridgeworks construction should begin in August or September. We have contacted our city councilperson to discuss traffic concerns.
Closing prayer- Judy Slivka
Respectfully submitted, Jan Durkalski ,Secretary, St. Malachi Pastoral Parish Council
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