Fr. Michael Gurnick, Administrator, St. Malachi Parish
Dear Parishioners and Friends,
We celebrate the Solemnity of Mary’s Assumption into Heaven this Thursday, August 15, a holyday of obligation for Catholics in the United States. There will be three liturgies celebrated between St. Patrick and St. Malachi parishes. St. Patrick: 5:30pm Vigil (8/14) and 8:00am (8/15) St. Malachi: 12:00noon (8/15) What is the Assumption and why do we celebrate this special day? For many Christians, this feast finds its roots in scripture and is very relevant for our daily lives. It is a celebration that focuses on many aspects of our deeply held beliefs. Through Mary, Mother of the Church, this occasion holds what we believe about the gift of eternal life won for us by Christ. Mary exemplifies this through her own passing from her own earthly life into Heaven. Here’s a few brief specifics: We all share in Christ’s resurrection (our human nature is restored);
- Our hope is in a physical resurrection (body and soul); 2. Heaven is for Saints (Mary leads the way by virtue of her nature); 3. Mary’s assumption, the New Eve, signifies a reversal of The Fall; 4. We’re not meant to be alone (even death will not separate us from God); 4. Marian belief is always Christ-centered (Mary’s life always is about Christ’s grace and redemptive power); 5. In the Incarnation, God took Mary’s flesh when Jesus was conceived (Mary shares in this “divine flesh”) which could never be corrupted. This is worthy of our veneration.
Let us gather on this holy feast as we raise our hearts, minds, and eyes toward Heaven, rejoicing that what was promised to Mary is now our very hope!
Joyfully yours in Mary,
Fr. Gurnick